How to Recover from a Mistake - Special Series Part 3 of 3
In this Episode
Welcome back to part 3 of this special series all about Ego, Accountability and in the final phase of this series, Recovery. How can we recover from our mistakes (because - yes! You will make mistakes from time to time in your business).
The focus of today's episode is recovery when things don't go as planned.
I'm sharing a personal experience that my family and I had at a restaurant and the lessons we can use in our business.
Acknowledging that mistakes happen and it's important to be accountable.
Reflecting on the impact of recovery gestures: a small discount vs. genuine apology.
Highlighting the importance of taking ownership and making things right.
Emphasizing that recovery should be tailored to the situation and customer needs.
Considering the significance of reputation in business, especially for solo entrepreneurs.
Encouraging honest admission of mistakes and overcoming the fear of reactions.
Key Takeaways:
Deliver on promises and avoid unnecessary showboating.
Confidence should be backed up by the ability to deliver.
Checking egos and embracing the use of tools like note-taking.
Recovery requires accountability, honest acknowledgment, and making amends.
Tailor recovery efforts to the situation and the needs of the customer.
Admitting mistakes and learning from them builds respect and trust.
I hope that this episode resonates and I encourage you to think outside the box and embrace curiosity when it comes to your own personal experiences.
Stay tuned for more episode and if you love the show, send me a DM with your review! Or if you listen on Apple Podcasts - be sure to drop your rating and review HERE