Becoming the Leader of Your Business - with Janic Gorayeb
In this Episode
Just because you may be a small business owner, it doesn't mean that you need to play small. In fact, if you own and run a business (regardless of its size) you're the boss, the big cheese, the head honcho! But do you consider yourself a leader?
In today's episode, I am joined with a leader in her own right (and business), Janic Gorayeb. Janic is the founder of Ripple Effect Leadership. She helps entrepreneurs and organizations create collaborative and kick-ass teams so they can rock their purpose and grow their business from the inside out
She started Ripple Effect Leadership because many times during her career , she didn’t feel like a leader because she didn’t have a “traditional leadership title”. Can you relate? She now helps others shift their mindset about their leadership abilities for their business and teams.
Don't miss out on Janic's FREE challenge happening October 2- 5th, 2023! Register for the Self Leadership Challenge HERE
For additional resources from Janic, visit her online HERE
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